How to use Yanhua Mini ACDP to program BMW electronic key

Are you searching for the method to program BMW electronic key by Yanhua Mini ACDP? Check the answer has been offered below.

Yanhua Mini ACDP program BMW electronic key video:


BMW OBC board (Anti-theft computer board)

Yanhua Mini ACDP programming master

OBP+ICP adapter

Puncture socket
P8P ribbon cable

8P cable

20P cable

12V power adapter

BAV Key Adapter


Integrated FEM/BDC Bench Interface board set wiring diagram

yanhua mini acdp program bmw electronic key 1

Yanhua Mini ACDP and module 2 wiring diagram

yanhua mini acdp program bmw electronic key 2

Connect all the devices well and turn on the power

Open Mini ACDP menu

Select the corresponding option according to the chip model

yanhua mini acdp program bmw electronic key 3 yanhua mini acdp program bmw electronic key 4 yanhua mini acdp program bmw electronic key 5

Program key follow the prompts

Learning key…

Program key successfully!

Yanhua Mini ACDP source:

Yanhua Mini ACDP mdoule 2 source:

Hope it helps you! Enjoy!

Author: Yanhua MiniACDP