What’s your experience of Yanhua ACDP Mini?

Have collected feedback from owners with Yanhua mini ACDP key programming tool.

  1. Good experence

My experience with the ACDP has been really good.

I read CAS4 successfully as well as created new keys via OBD as well as using the ICP method. Renewing keys can be a little hit and miss as sometimes the board needs adjusting or moving but I have managed to refresh every key eventually; most first time. I have found that renewing the CAS4 data over OBD to be impossible. I can edit the VIN and frequency but editing the DME and EGS ISN never works. I managed to achieve my aim with the help of user Woody as his autohex tool could edit this data whilst the ACDP managed to read the DME ISN to decrypt the D Flash with said tool. I think to achieve everything you need with CAS4 you would need more than one tool.

  1. Nice tool but no support

With ACDP:
– changed VIN and ISN on B38 DME Mini and add key with all keys lost
– make used BDC and FEM
– make few keys in n20/n26 when all key lost
–Repaired a lot of FRM
– bricked cas3+ by adding key thru obd
Nice tool but there isnt any support.

  1. Bad support but work like a charm

My Experience with that tool:

– Support Bad!
– CAS 3/3+/4 ICP Operation for reading writing is fine,
– Adding Key on CAS3/3+/4 FEM/BDC working good no issue till now (ICP)
– Reset Odometer CAS3/3+/4 FEM/BDC working also good (ICP)
– Key Refresh on BMW E Series Key(normal/smart) Key Refresh on F Series good
– Reading/Write ISN from DME/DDE BAD (tried on MSD85 and MSD812)
– Repairing FRM3 E Series working like a charme

i like the CAS Adapter Boards from Yanhua, you dont need to solder, only to cleanup the BDM points. It takes a bit more time to set adapter on correct places, than soldering and ACDP is a bit slower with reading/writing than other Programmers.

never tried CAS Renew option, because never successfully read ISN from engine…

  1. Cannot handle DME and EGS ISNcorrectly

Regarding CAS renew, from a combination of creating keys over OBD and saving the ISNs from this option generated the DME/EGS ISN which should then allow you to amend these in the CAS renew option. I was attempting to replace my CAS4 with a comfort access version. Just writing the P and D flash from original CAS4 to CA CAS4 changes the HWAP of the donor CAS effectively removing the comfort access functions. The only solution was to use the CAS renew function which would allow me to change VIN and Frequency however I needed the help of a friend to write the correct secret key, DME and EGS ISN as ACDP wouldn’t handle this correctly.

  1. Very good for making keys

Yanhua can’t renew encrypted CAS, period.

But very very good for making keys!! My tool of choice for locksmith despite having the more powerful tools.

Author: Yanhua MiniACDP